WhatsApp has launched a novel feature, Secret Code for Chat Lock, enhancing the app’s chat privacy options. This feature allows users to access locked chats by entering a unique password in the app’s search bar.
Enhanced chat privacy with unique passwords
The newly introduced Secret Code for Chat Lock builds on WhatsApp’s existing Chat Lock feature. Previously, users could lock specific chats from the main message list to a Locked Chats folder. This folder was accessible through a device password or biometric verification, such as a fingerprint scan.
With the new update, users can set a distinct password for their locked chats, separate from their regular phone unlock mechanism. When entered into the WhatsApp search bar, this password grants access to private messages, offering an additional layer of privacy.
Simplified chat locking process
In addition to the secret code feature, WhatsApp has made locking chats more user-friendly. Users can lock a chat simply by long-pressing on it, eliminating the need to navigate chat settings. This streamlined process makes it quicker and easier to secure conversations.
Official statement and global rollout
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s founder, chairman, and CEO, commented on the new feature: “Rolling out secret code to Chat Lock on WhatsApp so you can protect your chats with a unique password. Now you can set your locked chats to only appear when you type the secret code in the search bar, so no one can unintentionally discover your most private conversations.”
The Secret Code for Chat Lock feature is being released to WhatsApp users starting today. It will become globally available over the next few months, further enhancing the app’s commitment to user privacy.