WhatsApp has introduced a new feature to improve your messaging experience. On iOS and Android apps, you can pin your favourite contacts at the top of your calls tab.
New favourites function
The new Favourites function acts as a helpful filter for your solo and group chats. Previously, WhatsAppโs filters included three categories: All, Unread, and Groups. With the addition of favourites, you have a more customisable way to organise your instant messages.
To use this new feature and add contacts or groups to your favourites list, follow these simple steps:
- Go to your Chats tab and select the Favourites filter at the top. Youโll find it between Unread and Groups.
- Choose the contacts or groups you want to add to Favourites.
- Alternatively, you can go to your Calls tab, tap โAdd Favourite,โ and select the desired contacts or groups.
- You can also navigate through Settings > Favourites > Add to Favourites to add and even reorder them.
This new feature provides a quicker way to access the people you chat with the most, making your messaging experience smoother and more efficient.
Rollout details
WhatsApp started rolling out this feature on July 17, 2024. It will be available to all users in the coming weeks. If you donโt see the new feature, ensure your app is updated and check back later.
This update is part of WhatsAppโs ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience with convenient and practical tools. As the app continues to evolve, keep an eye out for more updates.