The first Copilot+ laptops, featuring Qualcommโs impressive new Snapdragon X chip, are now available. Despite delayed initial reviews, early feedback has highlighted these chips’ strengths and weaknesses. However, a new leak suggests Qualcomm has more in store, bringing hope for these Arm-based Copilot+ PCs. Let’s delve into the details and their potential impact.
More models are on the horizon
So far, reviews have focused on the Asus Vivobook S 15, but this is just one of several chips in the Snapdragon X Elite lineup. Recent files for the Adreno GPU driver reveal that there might be only six but ten different models of the Snapdragon X. Among these are three Plus chips, adding to the single Plus chip previously known.
According to VideoCardz, the unreleased chips include the X Elite X1E-76-100, which is expected to be a 12-core variant like other Elite chips. The new additions to the X Plus lineup are the X1P-62-100, X1P-42-100, and X1P-40-100. While the exact specifications of these chips remain unknown, the Plus chips will likely have 10 cores instead of 12.
Based on the naming conventions, the X1P-62-100 might be the second-best 10-core chip, while the X Elite X1E-76-100 could be the entry-level 12-core option. Clock speeds and other details are still speculative, and it’s unclear when or if these rumoured chips will be available in actual laptops.
Qualcomm’s challenge and potential
Qualcommโs Snapdragon X Elite chips are designed to compete with the AMD Ryzen AI 300 series and Intel Lunar Lake, particularly in meeting Microsoftโs Copilot+ programme requirements. The challenge, however, lies in the fact that Qualcommโs chips are arm-based and rely on a different instruction set. While emulation has shown promise, early reviews indicate that some applications, such as games, struggle to run smoothly on these PCs. Microsoft is actively working on these issues.
On the positive side, the Snapdragon X chips offer solid battery life and efficiency. If these rumoured new chips are accurate and address the current shortcomings, they could significantly enhance the performance and appeal of Copilot+ PCs.
The future of Copilot+ PCs
More Snapdragon X chip models could provide greater variety and performance options for Copilot+ PCs. This development is crucial for users seeking power and efficiency on their laptops. Despite the current challenges, Qualcomm continues to innovate and expand its chip lineup, and the future looks promising for Arm-based PCs.
We can only wait to see if these new Snapdragon X chips will become a reality and how they will perform on upcoming laptops. If successful, they could redefine the standards for Copilot+ PCs and enhance the overall user experience.