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Meta expands broadcast channels to pages with over 10,000 followers

Meta expands broadcast channels to Facebook pages with over 10,000 followers, enhancing direct communication and engagement.

Meta has expanded its Broadcast Channels feature, allowing all Facebook Pages with over 10,000 followers to create their channels on Facebook and Messenger. This move aims to enhance engagement and provide more direct communication between pages and their followers.

Expanded access and new features

Meta first introduced broadcast channels for Facebook and Messenger in October last year, following a successful initial launch on . Now, Meta is opening this one-to-many chat option to even more pages and adding new elements to enhance the user experience.

Some of the new features include:

  • Sharing across platforms: You can now automatically share your channel messages from Instagram to Facebook, expanding the reach of your updates and ensuring your messages reach a wider audience.
  • Early access to : Channel managers can publish Facebook posts exclusively to channel members before they go live on the page. This allows you to test posts and offer exclusive content to your most engaged followers.
  • Stories integration: Creators and members can share channel content via Facebook Stories using a dedicated sticker format, making highlighting important updates easier and reaching even more people.

It's important to note that while Instagram creators can also use broadcast channels, this announcement pertains explicitly to Facebook and Messenger. Meta also revealed that all Professional Mode creators with over 10,000 followers can create a broadcast channel in the coming months.

Is a broadcast channel worth it?

With more conversations shifting to messaging platforms, broadcast channels could offer a valuable way to maintain an ongoing connection with your audience through updates sent directly to their inboxes. This feature allows real-time interaction and informs followers about your latest news and updates.

Broadcast channels can also be pinned within the “Featured” section at the top of your page, ensuring they are easily accessible to your followers. Additionally, creators can promote their channels within their feeds, boosting visibility.

This feature aligns with current usage trends, and Meta reports that users have received it well. If you have regular updates or announcements to share with your dedicated followers, creating a broadcast channel could benefit your social media strategy.

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Emma Job
Emma Job
Emma is a freelance news editor at Tech Edition. With a decade's experience in content writing, she revels in both crafting and immersing herself in narratives. From tracking down viral trends to delving into the most recent news stories, her goal is to deliver insightful and timely content to her readers.

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