LG has announced the launch of its latest LG Gram laptop, equipped with Intel‘s Core Ultra processors, at the Intel Core Ultra Global Launch Event from 3 to 8 September 2024. Known for its lightweight design and powerful features, the LG Gram series has now integrated AI capabilities powered by Intel’s Core Ultra processor, enhancing its performance and efficiency. The new LG Gram 16 Pro is the first model to include this next-gen processor and is set for release by the end of 2024.
The first LG Gram with on-device AI capabilities
The LG Gram 16 Pro is the company’s first laptop to feature on-device AI, powered by an impressive 48 neural processing unit (NPU) tera operations per second (TOPS). This new technology is designed to set a higher standard for AI PCs, allowing users to experience advanced features such as Copilot AI functionalities. The Intel Core Ultra processor also boosts efficiency through AI-driven productivity tools, making tasks like text and image creation faster and more seamless. With extended battery life, users can work for longer periods without needing to recharge, adding even more convenience for those on the go.
Incorporating the Intel Core Ultra processor (Series 2), the LG Gram 16 Pro offers three times more AI power than previous models. With up to 48 NPU TOPS and 67 GPU TOPS, this processor delivers a total of 120 platform TOPS, significantly increasing productivity while keeping operations smooth. The processor is also optimised for Windows PCs, ensuring a high-performance experience across all tasks.
A leap in AI performance
Intel’s collaboration with LG is set to redefine personal computing. Michelle Johnston Holthaus, Intel’s executive vice president and general manager of the Client Computing Group, expressed her enthusiasm for the partnership, saying, “Together with LG, we are bringing to market the next generation of AI PCs that offer incredible performance, power efficiency, and security capabilities for consumers. The LG Gram 16 is a great example of an ultra-lightweight AI PC, powered by the all-new Intel Core Ultra processor, that delivers an outstanding and seamless experience for creators, working professionals, and everyday users. We’re thrilled for people to experience the wide-ranging benefits these AI PCs can enable.โ
The LG Gram 16 Pro, with its new AI features, aims to cater to professionals, creators, and everyday users, all while maintaining the series’ reputation for being ultra-lightweight. The laptop’s AI capabilities enhance multitasking, collaboration, and creative work, providing a smooth and productive experience for all users.
LG’s vision for AI laptops
YS Lee, Vice President and Head of the IT Business Unit at LG Business Solutions Company, shared the company’s long-term plans for integrating AI into its laptop lineup. “Building on LG Gram’s renowned ultra-lightweight design and powerful functionality, our newest model integrates Intel’s exceptional AI technology to push the boundaries of on-device AI laptops,โ Lee stated. โThe enhanced performance and productivity offered by the latest Intel Core Ultra processor is poised to enrich the LG Gram user experience with AI, ushering in a new era of on-device AI laptops.โ
This launch is in line with LG’s โAffectionate Intelligenceโ vision, which aims to understand and meet customer needs by delivering unique experiences beyond traditional AI applications. Following the introduction of the LG Gram 16 Pro, LG plans to expand its range of AI-powered laptops by adding more models equipped with Intel Core Ultra processors in the future.