LG Electronics initiated a global social media challenge aimed at reinforcing its ‘Life’s Good’ ethos. The campaign, running on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, invites users to share their joyful moments and express everyday optimism. By utilising the “finger heart” gesture, a favourite among K-pop fans, participants are encouraged to post with the hashtags #Lifesgood and #Optimismyourfeed, thereby promoting a more hopeful online environment.
Kim Hyo-eun, vice president and head of LG’s Brand Management Division, shared, “LG is committed to delivering on its promise of โLifeโs Goodโ. This social media challenge aims to uncover and share what โLifeโs Goodโ means to our customers.” He further expressed the belief that approaching life with an optimistic attitude can generate substantial positive changes both online and in the real world.
Influencers and users rally for positivity
The challenge is an extension of LGโs โOptimism your feedโ campaign and builds on the successful launch of a similarly named playlist last month. This playlist, curated in collaboration with global influencers renowned for their positive influence, aims to fill users’ feeds with encouraging content. Released across multiple platforms, including TikTok and YouTube, the playlist quickly amassed over 1.2 billion views, drawing attention and participation from around the globe.
Influencers like Tina Choi, Victoria Browne, Josh Harmon, Team1llusion, Lenna Vivas, and Samuel Weidenhofer have joined the campaign, helping to spread the message of optimism. Within just four days of its launch, approximately 21,000 individuals had already taken part in the challenge, sharing their own moments of optimism.
LG intensifies offline efforts with ‘Optimism your day’ events
Parallel to the online initiative, LG is conducting an offline campaign titled โOptimism your day,โ continuing until early July. As part of the campaign, a truck adorned with LG’s ‘Lifeโs Good’ slogan will tour 11 business sites across Korea. Equipped with a large LED display, the truck plays campaign videos and showcases positive messages from LG employees worldwide, aiming to infuse a sense of optimism among the workforce and beyond.
LG’s CEO William Cho emphasised the role of employees as brand ambassadors, stating, “If each of us starts brightening our surroundings one step at a time, I believe LG will one day become a company that truly radiates positivity, helping to create better lives and a better world.”