Jony Ive, the renowned former Apple designer, has confirmed his involvement in a new AI hardware project in collaboration with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. This exciting announcement comes almost a year after rumours first surfaced about the possibility of such a partnership. Iveโs confirmation was revealed during a profile published in The New York Times, which gave insight into the ongoing project, although many details remain scarce.
A collaboration years in the making
It all began when Ive Altman and Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb, crossed paths. This chance meeting led to the creation of this high-profile collaboration. The funding behind this project is equally impressive, with support from Ive and the Emerson Collective, the philanthropic organisation led by Laurene Powell Jobs. According to reports, the team could raise US$1 billion by the end of the year. However, there is no mention of Masayoshi Son, the SoftBank CEO, who was rumoured to have already invested US$1 billion into the project.
The project has a small yet influential team of just ten employees. Notably, this includes Tang Tan and Evans Hankey, both of whom played pivotal roles alongside Ive during the development of the iPhone. The team operates under Iveโs design firm, LoveFrom, which takes charge of the device’s design. The team is based out of a 32,000-square-foot office in San Francisco, part of a larger US$90 million investment in real estate made by Ive, who has acquired an entire city block to house the venture.
What is the new device?
Though the projectโs specifics remain largely under wraps, one key detail that emerged is that the device aims to leverage the power of generative AI. According to the New York Times, Ive and Altman have discussed how generative AI’s unique capabilitiesโprocessing more complex requests than traditional softwareโcould enable the creation of a completely new computing device. This product is rumoured to draw inspiration from touchscreen technology, which was revolutionary in developing the original iPhone.
However, the vision for this AI hardware remains fluid. Even Marc Newson, cofounder of LoveFrom and close collaborator of Ive, indicated that the timeline for the productโs release is uncertain, and many aspects of the project are still being developed. The team is in the early stages of exploring what this new technology can offer.
Moving forward with big potential
While the details of the AI hardware device remain shrouded in mystery, the combination of Jony Ive’s design genius and OpenAIโs leading role in AI makes this a highly anticipated project. If successful, it could begin a new era in computing, where devices powered by advanced AI could significantly change how users interact with technology. With the possibility of raising US$1 billion in funding and the involvement of top-tier talent from both the tech and design worlds, this collaboration could shape the future of AI hardware.