Apple just launched a sequel of the 2016 iPhone SE. This new iPhone comes with a 4.7-inch screen, and its starting price is US$399. The iPhone SE 2020 was rumored to be released by March, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release was delayed, but it is here now.
The new iPhone looks more of the same as the iPhone 8, but the iPhone SE 2020 has a home button and Touch ID, unlike iPhone 8, which doesn’t have a home button and comes with a Face ID.
This new gadget is powered by the latest A13 processor, which means that it is significantly more punch than the iPhone SE 2016. It comes with a 12-megapixel back camera and a 7-megapixel front camera.ย Although the camera allows you take portrait shots and process them through Apple’s SmartHDR algorithm, a dedicated night mode is missing from it.
The phone also comes with a tiny 5W charging brick in the box, however you may still use a compatible 18W brick to charge it quickly. It supports Qi wireless charging standards as well, so you can use any of your current wireless chargers with this phone.
This new iPhone SE is not designed for people who’re looking for compact phones. While the original iPhone SE was smaller in size than a new version with a 4-inch screen, this phone is as good as it gets in 2020.
The new iPhone SE will be available for pre-order in the US from April 17, and units will start shipping out from April 24.