Two years ago, Hyundai introduced an exciting new concept car called the N Vision 74, designed by the legendary Giorgetto Giugiaro. This high-performance electric vehicle (EV) caught the attention of car enthusiasts around the world. According to some slides shared during the company’s recent Investor Day presentation, Hyundai is planning to bring this bold concept to life.
A glimpse into Hyundai’s future EV lineup
In the presentation, Hyundai detailed its upcoming range of electric vehicles, which includes 21 new models set to be released by 2030. These included cars from its affordable Casper line, mass-market Hyundai vehicles, and luxury Genesis models. However, the standout announcement was the mention of the โHyundai N Vision 74,”ย a high-performance EV that carries the โGenesis Magmaโ branding.
One slide highlighted that the โNโ model inherits Hyundaiโs motorsports heritage, describing it as a โhigh-performance EV delivering consistent driving pleasure and experience.โ This suggests that Hyundai is keen to appeal to those who love the thrill of driving. The Genesis brand, known for its luxury vehicles, will also see the addition of high-end EVs, further expanding Hyundai’s footprint in the electric vehicle market alongside its current Ioniq models.
Limited production but high expectations
Rumours about the production plans for the N Vision 74 have been circulating for a while. Late last year, Motor1 reported that Hyundai would build the N Vision 74 in minimal numbersโ70 models for road use and 30 for racing, totalling just 100 cars. However, Hyundai was quick to dismiss these rumours.
The original N Vision 74 concept was packed with impressive features. It promised a 62.4-kWh battery pack, an 85-kWh hydrogen-powered fuel-cell stack, and a 10-pound hydrogen tank, which could provide a range of around 373 miles. The concept also boasted two rear electric motors delivering 670 horsepower and 664 pound-feet of torque. However, Hyundai has decided to focus solely on the electric aspect of the vehicle, dropping the hydrogen fuel-cell component from its plans.
A car with an iconic design heritage
You’re not alone if the N Vision 74 reminds you of a DeLorean. Thatโs because the concept was designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro, the Italian designer who created the iconic 1980s supercar. Giugiaro is also known for designing other famous cars, such as the Lotus Esprit and the Maserati Quattroporte, as well as Nikon’s F3 SLR camera, showcasing his wide-ranging influence across multiple industries.
With Hyundai’s decision to bring this concept to production, even in a limited run, the N Vision 74 could soon become a highly sought-after vehicle. This is exciting news for car enthusiasts, as it signals Hyundai’s commitment to innovation and high-performance EVs. While many details remain to be confirmed, it’s clear that Hyundai is positioning itself as a key player in the future of electric vehicles, blending its motorsport heritage with cutting-edge technology.