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Saturday, June 29, 2024

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●  Introduction

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- Advertisement - launches operations in North America, a leading AI marketing platform from Singapore, has expanded into North America to revolutionise marketing with its AI-driven solutions., a generative AI marketing platform based in , has officially expanded into the North American market. This move is part of its global growth strategy, with plans to enter the MENA region soon. Recognised for its credibility, has been endorsed by Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) under its Spark program, highlighting its commitment to responsible AI development.

A blend of AI and marketing expertise

Shalu Wasu, CEO and co-founder of, emphasised the company's distinctive strategy. “What truly sets apart is our commitment to combining the power of AI with the wisdom and experience of human marketers. gimmefy's approach ensures that content created by the platform is not only creative but also aligns perfectly with what friends in the marketing industry demands of us,” Wasu stated. This dual approach has catalysed's in Asia and is anticipated to replicate in North America.

Matt Fusco, now CEO of North American operations, will spearhead the company's establishment in the region. He will focus on building a robust presence and tapping into the extensive market opportunities. “As the marketing landscape evolves, so do the needs of marketers. GPT-based solutions, while offering an initial foray into AI-powered marketing, now struggle to deliver the effectiveness, diversity, and speed demanded by today's professionals,” said Fusco. utilises multiple leading large language models, complemented by marketing expertise to power a platform capable of over 140 automated tasks and 9 specialised AI assistants.

Aiming for major impact and growth

The diverse, highly creative, and competitive environment of North America makes it a fertile ground for's innovative solutions. Fusco added, “Businesses and brands trying to be seen and heard in a market like North America are particularly at an advantage. The North American landscape is diverse, hyper-creative, and steeped in competition. With a marketing-specific AI partner like gimmefy, there will be some positive disruption creatively, as well as a creation of opportunities for marketing teams.”'s client base includes global entities such as SEK, IMDA, DBS, ActivAsia, and Motul. They have reported up to 90% savings in both time and costs. With the North American expansion, is set to become a global leader in AI-powered marketing, continuously innovating to ensure customer success and industry impact.

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Nurin Sofia
Nurin Sofia
Nurin Sofia is a news editor at Tech Edition. Her interest is in technology and startups, occasionally crunching news for gaming. Sofia enjoys playing video games, going on bike rides, and gardening when she isn't behind a keyboard.

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