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Sunday, June 30, 2024

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ChatGPT launches a Mac app but delays advanced voice mode

ChatGPT's new Mac app launches, but advanced voice mode is delayed for further improvements, with a full rollout expected in autumn.

ChatGPT's new desktop app for macOS has arrived, bringing the convenience of AI right to your computer. However, the highly anticipated advanced voice mode, which caused quite a stir due to its similarities with Scarlett Johansson's character in Her, has been postponed.

Voice mode is delayed for improvements

OpenAI announced it would take another month to perfect the advanced voice mode before releasing an alpha version to select ChatGPT Plus subscribers. The full rollout for all Plus customers is expected this autumn. The delay ensures the feature can effectively “detect and refuse certain content” to maintain and reliability.

OpenAI introduced voice mode and new video and screen-sharing capabilities during its Spring Update event. Although initially promised “in the coming weeks,” the exact timeline for these features is still under review. OpenAI assures users that updates will be provided as they aim to meet their high standards for safety and reliability.

A natural conversational experience

The advanced voice mode, showcased at the event, demonstrated impressive capabilities. It could observe and interact with the user's environment in real-time, handle interruptions smoothly, and maintain a natural conversation. CEO Sam Altman described the bot's responses as having “human-level response times and expressiveness.”

The desktop app is now available

While the voice mode is delayed, the ChatGPT desktop app for macOS is now available. With this app, you can easily access ChatGPT by pressing Option and Space together, enabling quick and convenient interactions directly from your screen. A version of the app is expected to launch later this year.

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Emma Job
Emma Job
Emma is a freelance news editor at Tech Edition. With a decade's experience in content writing, she revels in both crafting and immersing herself in narratives. From tracking down viral trends to delving into the most recent news stories, her goal is to deliver insightful and timely content to her readers.

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