It is presumed that Macs are the worst choice you can make if you want a gaming computer. They just don’t have the power that other computers have when it comes to playing different video games. Microsoft users say that they would never switch to Mac, and it is not rare that they mock the people that say that Macs are suitable for gaming.ย
Apple computers focused on design, user-friendliness, innovative functionalities, brilliant interface, etc. They are unique and offer an outstanding user experience. However, not many people will buy an Apple computer because of the perfect gaming experience. Is this still the same for the more recent Mac models? This article will check if an Apple computer is the right choice for you if you want to use it for gaming.
Is Mac a good gaming computer?
The short and very direct answer is that Macs are not a good choice for a gaming computer. Apple computers are an excellent fit for a work computer, especially if you need a lot of processing power. They are also fantastic for any design program that you might need. All Apple machines are very powerful and can work flawlessly simultaneously with large applications. So, if you need a really powerful work computer, Macs are perfect for you, but they are not that good when it comes to gaming.
Macs are great for design programs, and Adobe ones work amazingly on them. The resolution of the Apple devices is perfect if you would like to do graphic or motion design. This is why some people think that the great resolution will mean that games look great on Macs. But the truth is that games are something completely different than a design program.
Both laptop and desktop versions lack the power needed for hard gaming. And we should also mention that the pricing of Mac computers is in most cases higher than what you would pay for another PC with similar or even better tech specifications.

The newest models have introduced a lot of optimizations in terms of gaming – like the new M1 chip processors but still fall short compared to other PCs. Macs are still focused on good and smooth work functionalities so that it will be a disappointment playing on one for really passionate gamers.ย
After introducing the first M1 Macs back in 2020, many fans of the brand hope that the gaming functionalities will be improved. Of course, Apple has to improve their GPU to catch up with GeForce or Radeon, but indeed the first M1 computers were the start of a new better age for gamers on Apple computers.
The GPU of M1 Macs is a special and unique one produced by Apple itself. The abbreviation GPU stands for graphics processing unit, and it is responsible for displaying graphics on your screen. For gaming is optimal to have a dedicated or discrete graphics card and not one that is a part of the CPU (computer processing unit). Apple computers like MacBook Pro 15-inch or later ones already have dedicated and integrated GPUs, making gaming a bit better.
Another aspect to consider is the games available for Apple devices. There are so many great PC games with a significant fan base, but most are designed exclusively for Windows. Or even if they are released for Macs, this happens much later, and the games are not as trending anymore. So, if you are a fan of some of the big franchises and want to be always the first to try the new title, Apple computers are not the best choice.
The games released for M1 Macs are even less. This is because now game developers need o write another version of the game for the new ARM-based chip. Before, it was easier when Intel was powering both Windows and Mac machines. Apple is, however, trying to make it easier for developers. With Rosetta 2, the translation of instructions from Intel to ARM is possible. Not perfect because the game doesn’t work that good but still possible.ย
Some of the games already optimized and run natively on M1 devices are Blizzard’s World of Warcraft and Gameloft’s Asphalt 8, and Asphalt 9.
Gaming on Mac
Having a dedicated second machine only for gaming is not something everyone can afford. So, if you want to have a Mac, the devices that might be better for gaming are 16-inch MacBook Pro and 21.5-inch iMac.
The absolute best one is the 16-inch MacBook Pro. However, the pricing is relatively high, so it is not an excellent fit for everyone. It has a discrete GPU and fantastic resolution. Also, the screen is big enough to have a good gaming experience. If you get the one with an i7 processor, you will make even a better choice.
The other good option is the 21.5-inch iMac. This might be even the better solution if you prefer a desktop computer. The astonishing 4K display will guarantee you excellent graphics, and also it has a discrete GPU. However, you should definitely upgrade the existing GPU because otherwise, hard gaming might be a bit too much for it.
You should absolutely avoid the Mac Mini and the MacBook Air devices because of their very weak GPU for gaming.
We can indeed say that gaming is not something at which Macs exceed. Choosing another PC at a similar price or even lower will surely give you a better gaming experience. Apple computers are an excellent choice for professionals (especially designers) because they are very powerful and focus on work and business functionalities. Their sleek design is something that is also very attractive to users. But if you are a passionate gamer who wants to play the newest games and have a smooth gaming experience, then a Mac is not the machine for you.