AMD has introduced its latest Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor, designed to deliver top-notch gaming and productivity performance for PC enthusiasts. Announced on 1 November 2024, the new desktop processor is based on AMDโs โZen 5โ architecture and incorporates the advanced 2nd Generation AMD 3D V-Cache technology. This release is set to significantly boost AMDโs standing in desktop computing, with innovations aimed at providing gamers with an enhanced experience and smooth performance.
Enhanced performance for gamers and creators
The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor comes with a 64MB cache memory, strategically positioned beneath the processor to bring the core complex die (CCD) closer to the cooling solution. This innovative layout aids in keeping the โZen 5โ cores cooler, enabling higher clock rates and optimised overclocking. According to AMD, the processor offers up to an 8% increase in gaming performance compared to previous generations, and an impressive 20% performance advantage over competitors. Additionally, itโs the first AMD X3D processor to be fully unlocked, giving gamers and tech enthusiasts greater flexibility to push its capabilities.
“We continue to push the boundaries of performance and innovation in desktop computing, delivering solutions that exceed the needs of gamers and creators alike,” said Jack Huynh, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Computing and Graphics at AMD. “With the introduction of the Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor, built on our advanced โZen 5โ architecture, we are elevating gaming performance like never before.”
Unmatched gaming experience with 2nd Gen 3D V-Cache technology
AMD has crafted the Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor with a clear focus on gaming excellence, leveraging 2nd Gen 3D V-Cache technology to achieve peak performance. The processor claims to deliver an approximate 8% increase in frames per second (FPS) across various games, with some, such as Star Wars Outlaws, showing even larger gains. Additionally, the processorโs performance in maintaining stable minimum frame rates results in smoother gameplay and reduced stutter, enhancing the immersive experience for gamers.
An example of this can be seen in The Last of Us: Part 1, where the Ryzen 7 9800X3D offers a 31% increase in minimum frame rate compared to competing processors, even when average frame rates are similar. This boost in minimum frame rates allows for more consistent and fluid gameplay, which becomes particularly noticeable in intense or fast-paced gaming scenarios.
Ryzen 7 9800X3D: Specifications and developer partnerships
The Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor is packed with eight high-performance โZen 5โ cores and 16 processing threads. It combines a base clock speed of 4.7 GHz with a maximum boost clock of 5.2 GHz, setting a record for clock speeds on any AMD X3D processor. The processorโs 120W thermal design power (TDP) and a total cache of 104MB give it the strength required to handle demanding gaming and productivity tasks with ease. Priced at US$479, the Ryzen 7 9800X3D is positioned as a high-value option in the gaming market.
AMD has also expanded its partnerships with key gaming studios. Activision, Saber Interactive, and 11 bit Studios have collaborated with AMD to leverage the power of the Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor in their latest releases. “We’re thrilled to team up with AMD as the exclusive CPU, GPU, and APU partner for Call of Duty,โ said William Gahagan, Senior Director of Global Partnerships at Activision. โThe Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor’s exceptional performance and efficiency will elevate the gaming experience to new heights.”
Tim Willits, Chief Creative Officer at Saber Interactive, shared his enthusiasm, noting how the processor enables further innovation and immersion. “The power and innovation of AMDโs Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor has allowed us to push the boundaries of whatโs possible, delivering an unparalleled gaming experience,” he said. Likewise, Szymon Jabลoลski, Technical Director at 11 bit Studios, praised AMDโs support in developing ambitious projects like Frostpunk 2 and The Alters, attributing their success to AMDโs cutting-edge technology.
With the launch of the Ryzen 7 9800X3D, AMD reinforces its commitment to delivering high-performance solutions for gamers and creators. This new addition to AMDโs lineup highlights its dedication to meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving market and solidifies its role in shaping the future of desktop computing.